Hero Hunters Ep13 by BOOP

The updates are coming fast now with Hero Hunters. The Boop Hunters are back to look at the information for the upcoming drops. We haven’t really been watching the forums of late. The December schedule shows that we need to be on Patriots and People’s Guard. There are six or so more days till everything switches from Patriots to People’s Guard for focus factions. Aaron and Jeff have their entire Patriot lineups to Plat and are looking to shift focus to People’s Guard. As the grids show below both guys have their work cut out to get the People’s Guard heroes up to snuff.

Kaishi is the new hero and we take a few wild stabs at what faction he’ll be in and how we’ll get him boosted via frags. We also guess on time-frames to actually get him too.

If you want to delete the Xmas scavenget hunt list too here’s the link.

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